Specifications For Cleaning Services
- We provide all necessary equipment and materials for the proper execution of the work.
- We employ workers who are well trained and have experience in cleaning and maintenance of buildings.
- We ensure that the detergents used in cleaning are user friendly and are not harmful to the environment.
- We Wash and remove the build-up of grit on the tiles, sweep all the floors and scrub and mop them daily.
- We shampoo the carpets once a month OR on needs basis.
- We provide appropriate hand washing soap and air fresheners in the toilets and maintain an all-round clean toilet standard.
- We clean office window blinds twice a year and inspect them to ensure they are clean at all time.
- We ensure efficient performance of the Contract and good conduct of its employees whenever they carry out cleaning works in the areas designated.
- Compound cleaning plus the scrubbing of garden walkways and also picking trash at the garden on daily basis.
- Daily Cleaning of staircases in all areas and on need basis.
- Daily Cleaning of all floor corridors and on need basis.
- Daily Cleaning of all the lobbies (foyers) and on need basis.
- Thorough cleaning of all offices once a month.
- Daily cleaning of all rooms.
- Cleaning and hoofing all rooms.
- Monthly Cleaning of halls plus all its staircases.
- We shall bring adequate no of staff of cleaners and supervisors to do cleaning duties on need basis.
- The Assembly reserves the right of sending away any contractor’s staff who behaves in a manner not acceptable by the Assembly.
- Our supervisors have at least 3 years' experience in cleaning.
- We shall ensure the staffs are properly identifiable and presentable i.e. badges and uniforms.
- We shall ensure our staff have copies of valid certificate of good conduct and 2 passport photos.
- Our staff have minimum 2 pairs of uniforms and rain coats and only white round neck T. Shirts can be worn inside.
- Our staff are of high integrity and with the relevant testimonials.
- We shall provide adequate equipment for use during cleaning.